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Glass Buildings

Digital Health & Artificial Intelligence

Augmented surgical decision making, risk profiles, machine learning algorithms, mHealth, App based technologies

The below content has been supplied directly by innovators/industry and does not imply endorsement from iBRA-NET.

Image by Alex Iby


Digital health innovation is a rapidly growing field with ever increasing computer power and availability of hardware for both the patient and clinician. This area is undergoing a boom with opportunities for surgeons to be involved in conception, design and production.


Read the Trade.Gov.UK #First100 report, highlighting the UK's top 100 digital health companies (click link above)


Some examples include - Kheiron who are using AI for interpretation of mammograms, Babylon who are using video consultations and AI algorithms for clinical diagnosis and management. Proximie that allows clinicians to virtually ‘scrub in’ to any operating room. Touch surgery is teaching operative skills using visual simulations. Concentric Health is building a platform to digitize and optimise the consent and shared decision making process using data-driven outputs.


Proximie in Action 6 (1).png

Proximie is a software platform that allows physicians and medical device experts to virtually “scrub-in” to any operating room or cath lab from anywhere in the world.


Saving lives and helping to reduce the variation in patient care is at the forefront of the Proximie vision. This is achieved by empowering physicians to share knowledge and skills in real-time, before, during and after surgery as every procedure can be recorded, analyzed and leveraged for future use to help inform best practice.


Proximie is intuitively designed, so that it could plug-in to any part of the global healthcare landscape. It is agile, secure, easily integrated and deployed on low bandwidth with existing or easy to resource hardware, which means it can be malleable to any clinical setting from austere environments to high-end hospitals.



Concentric is an electronic consent and shared decision making platform, developed to empower patients to engage with, understand, and own decisions about their care. It uses a global-leading structured ontology of surgical outcomes knowledge, with coverage across all surgical specialties.

Decisions about our health are often life-changing. Today, decisions leave patients uninformed and unempowered, and clinicians unsupported. At Concentric we’re fixing the decision-making process in healthcare. Supporting patients and clinicians with personalised outcome predictions delivered at the right time to support a decision, we’re driving healthcare towards data-driven, shared, informed decision-making. Let’s empower each individual to own decisions about their care, ensuring the right decision for them. Starting with the current paper consent process - one which leaves patients in the dark, clinicians frustrated, and hospitals at risk - Concentric can capitalise upon this opportunity for digital transformation to add value across the clinical pathway.



The Breast Advocate® app is the World’s first shared decision-making app for breast cancer surgery and breast reconstruction. It is a free app, co-created by breast cancer specialists and patient advocates, that provides anyone with a breast cancer diagnosis, or at risk of developing breast cancer, a voice in the decisions surrounding their surgery.     Breast Advocate® provides evidence-based information and personalized recommendations, based on the patient’s situation, preferences and values that can then be discussed with the patient’s physician team. This shared decision-making approach empowers the patient to be more involved in their treatment planning with their physicians, and has been shown to improve patient satisfaction and outcomes.     Breast Advocate® was recognized as a valuable resource for breast cancer patients at the 2019 American Society of Breast Surgeons meeting. Breast surgeons, plastic surgeons, and nurse navigators alike have given the app five-star reviews as a decision-aid for patients. Breast Advocate® is available for free download in the App Store and Google Play. 

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